highm wrote:Why doesn't eValid work at the transport level? It's so much easier.
Yes, a record/play engine that works at the HTTP/S transport level is easier to build, but it is not as effective for testing web applications as the eValid solution, where the recording and playback is centered in the browser.
Early in the eValid product development we examined HTTP/S capture and basically discarded it as unworkably complex when doing any kind of test beyond the simplest kinds of navigation. And even then it was still tricky if the navigational URLs involved use of query strings -- those strings of data and information that sometimes appear after the "?" in the acutal URL.
So, we found the superior solution, we believe, by operating with a complete browser at its internal DOM level. That is much more difficult to do, but you gain SO much in power and flexibility that it is worth the extra work.
eValid Technology