Can a user make eValid lose focus on the browser

Applying eValid to AJAX applications that require advanced DOM-based methods.

Can a user make eValid lose focus on the browser

Postby Friedman » Mon Feb 26, 2018 11:54 am


My question is:

How to configure the eValid browser to lose focus of the Web Browser?

Is this possible?

Posts: 1
Joined: Mon Feb 26, 2018 11:51 am

Re: Can a user make eValid lose focus on the browser

Postby eValid » Tue Feb 27, 2018 5:15 pm

Friedman wrote:Howdy.

My question is:

How to configure the eValid browser to lose focus of the Web Browser?

Is this possible?


That is very unusual Friedman but, we'll give it a try.

Basically, the web page (or sub-page, opened in a sub-browser window, which is the same as a tab) is in focus if you are working on it.

Let's say you have two pages opened.

If you put the focus on one of them the other will lose focus.

You can choose the window to focus (and thus defocus all of the other windows) using the command:

Focus wid

where wid is the sequence number of the window you want to put INTO focus.

That will, effectively, defocus the other windows.

Now, if you want to read some DOM value from the window that you just took focus away from, no problem.

The eValid command: ValueGetElement wid name "frame_path" will work INDEPENDENTLY of whether the wid specified is or is not in focus.

Hope this answers your question.

-- eValid Support
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