Questions about the eValid command language

General discussion about eValid, its characteristis and applications.

Questions about the eValid command language

Postby ACavens » Thu Aug 11, 2016 9:50 pm


How is the command language for eValid organized?

Can you explain why the developers don't use JavaScript?

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Joined: Thu Aug 11, 2016 9:46 pm

Re: Questions about the eValid command language

Postby eValid » Mon Aug 15, 2016 1:02 pm

ACavens wrote:Hiya.

How is the command language for eValid organized?

Can you explain why the developers don't use JavaScript?


Thanks for asking ACavens.

First, about JavaScript.

The command language (script language) for eValid is a balance between simplicity and clarity...if you built the language to look like JavaScript it would be too syntactically complicated.

Here is a complete explanation of the language: ... rface.html

So, as you can see from the explanation, we indeed kept it simple and also provided for a very fast method of interpreting a script and executing it at playback time.

That process basically converts the script language into an internal table with columns of fixed meaning.

That internal table is executed one line at at time to produce a coherent eValid web test playback.

There is one other really important implication to this very simplified script language structure:

It makes running eValid from its own programmatic interface very easy.

The eValid Programmatic Interface (EPI) is described here: ... rvice.html

The actual C/C++ commands that are recognized in the interface are 1-1 matches to eValid commands expressed as invokable methods.

Doing that makes all of the different modes of eValid playback operation much, much simpler to use and understand.

-- eValid Support
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