Can eValid work better than Selenium?

Applying eValid to AJAX applications that require advanced DOM-based methods.

Can eValid work better than Selenium?

Postby VanessaD » Thu Apr 02, 2015 12:43 pm


I've been trying to get a sync on an AJAX application using selenium with difficulty.

Can eValid offer something better?

How does it work?

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Joined: Thu Apr 02, 2015 12:25 pm

Re: Can eValid work better than Selenium?

Postby eValid » Fri Apr 03, 2015 12:33 pm

VanessaD wrote:Afternoon:

I've been trying to get a sync on an AJAX application using selenium with difficulty.

Can eValid offer something better?

How does it work?


Thanks for posting VanessaD.

It is hard for us to comment about Selenium, because we don't often use it.

But we have heard that Selenium's AJAX sync is often problematic...something about how the single-threaded nature of the JavaScript on some browsers prevents correct operation of what otherwise appears to be a perfectly good synchronization passage.

We have also heard that if you use Selenium descendent, WebDriver, which has some special external synchronization capabilitys you may be in better shape.

Meanwhile, for eValid this has never been a problem, mainly because the control of the browser is outside the browser context.

To put another way, eValid does NOT interfere with browser operation, including use of the JavaScript engine for test synchronization.

All the synchronizations are done internal to eValid but external to the browser.

Here is a summary of all of the built-in synchronization modes available in eValid: ... mmary.html

Many of these are built into the eValid architecture, and some use explicit loops that wait until specific page properties obtain before allowing test playback to continue.

Hope this gives you better insight on eValid.

-- eValid Support
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