HTML Testbed...

How to use eValid to support regression testing.

HTML Testbed...

Postby index9 » Tue Jan 12, 2010 5:28 pm

We have a special hardware device that has a kind of GUI and I wonder what
you guys think about building an HTML driver for our device so that eValid can
be used in our testing? Does this make sense? Has anyone else ever done this?
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Joined: Wed Aug 26, 2009 3:32 pm

Re: HTML Testbed...

Postby eValid » Fri Jan 15, 2010 2:08 pm

index9 wrote:We have a special hardware device that has a kind of GUI and I wonder what you guys think about building an HTML driver for our device so that eValid can be used in our testing? Does this make sense? Has anyone else ever done this?

Actually this idea makes a LOT of sense. It simplifies life, saves effort (and therefor saves money), and works better!

The cost to build a test bed, or test frame, for an application is often very substantial. But if you can rig your device so that it reads data from HTML input fields and writes output to HTML text, then that particular web page because a superior test frame for your device.

In engineering you would call this "solving the problem by reducing it to a previously-solved problem" which, in this case, is the general ability to test a web page. In effect your test frame becomes a web enabled test bed for your device, thereby allowing the eValid test enabled web browser to easily and reliably drive you device...

Hope this helps...

-The eValid Team
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