(a) Probably due to the JRE version...
Here is how to equip your machine with the latest Java Runtime Environment
(JRE), needed for eValid functional and load testing Charts and 3D-SiteMap
pictures to work:
To find out which Java JRE you have, use this page:
http://www.e-Valid.com/Products/Documen ... y.jre.htmlYou may need to install the latest Java JRE, as described here:
http://www.e-Valid.com/Products/Documen ... nload.html(b) You get this when one/more scripts you're running generate
timeout errors. This is a warning that your scripts probably need
some work...remember, they need to be scripts that do reliably
run in non-loadtest mode...
(c) Same as (a). Both the LoadTest chart and all of the
other logfile based charts are Java applets...after you confirm
your JRE version if they still don't show up give us a call....