Running multiple tests in one browser

Use and application of the eValid server loading (LoadTest) capability. And in the cloud computing context for monitoring and loading.

Running multiple tests in one browser

Postby emonth » Wed Jun 22, 2011 4:44 pm

Can running multiple tests in one browser in parallel in sub window overcome the 100x scaling limitation?
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Joined: Wed Jun 22, 2011 4:31 pm

Re: Running multiple tests in one browser

Postby eValid » Fri Jun 24, 2011 12:01 pm

emonth wrote:Can running multiple tests in one browser in parallel in sub window overcome the 100x scaling limitation?
Yes, this is often a very effective way to amplify one eValid license's actual delivered capabiity.

The technique you're describing has been written up in our BLOG -- please check there for details. The idea is to have several tests all running in separate sub-browser windows, so they can share the parent window's resources and not run up against any "too many browser" conflicts.

The tradeoff is that you have to accept that that parent browser can only act on its children one at a time. Like a round-robin process, the script can be organized so that each one gets its turn, so if you have 10 sub-windows you can allocate (for example) 10% of that browser's timeline to each playback instance. The "duty cycle" for each of those scripts would be 10%, but that is a value that is realistic in terms of what people actually do when using an application: A lot of time thinking and a fraction of that total time actually doing something.

So, yes, if you have a 10-way time-dificsion on each of 100 browser instances (BUs) that is the same as one machine acting like 1,000 BUs.

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