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JavaScript errors get reported by eValid?

PostPosted: Wed May 25, 2011 4:54 pm
by tento1
JavaScript errors get reported by eValid? Why does eValid do this?

Re: JavaScript errors get reported by eValid?

PostPosted: Thu May 26, 2011 6:11 am
by eValid
tento1 wrote:JavaScript errors get reported by eValid? Why does eValid do this?

That's correct. When the eValid browser detects a JavaScript error it reports that to the EventLog and then keeps going on playing commands. This shows up in the EventLog as a Warning, not an Error.

Why does eValid do this?

Would you rather it didn't? You really don't want to know?

The thinking behind having eValid report errors that it finds is that we envision eValid as a QA tool -- although it can be used in many different ways as well. As a QA tool you WANT to know about things that may be a problem. That's the conventional thinking about QA. So eValid in this feature is trying to be faithful to the principles of QA.

eValid Support