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What good is "geometric test"?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 3:28 pm
by msie
If your "geometric test" is invulnerable to page changes, what good is it? It looks to me as if this is the test that always passes, and what good is that?

Re: What good is "geometric test"?

PostPosted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 2:15 pm
by eValid
msie wrote:If your "geometric test" is invulnerable to page changes, what good is it? It looks to me as if this is the test that always passes, and what good is that?

Making the test depend on fixed geometric properties of a page means that it won't fail when minor details of the page change, but it WILL FAIL if something major -- something that affects the geometry or layout of the page -- happens.

Granted, this moves the test closer to being the "never fail test" but it really isn't that. You would be amazed at how sensitive this kind of test is to changes.

All that making the test geometric has really done is provide a wider tolerance for changes -- it hasn't eliminated sensitivity to change overall. Just increased the tolerance factor.

Most users think that this is a VERY big advantage!

eValid Support