Does eValid work with notations and variables

Discussion of the technology underlying the eValid solution.

Does eValid work with notations and variables

Postby RLMauer » Thu Mar 10, 2022 12:50 pm


Does eValid support any internal notations and/or variables?

If so, what are they and how do they work?

Thanks in advance.
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Joined: Thu Mar 10, 2022 12:41 pm

Re: Does eValid work with notations and variables

Postby eValid » Fri Mar 11, 2022 7:43 am

RLMauer wrote:Hi.

Does eValid support any internal notations and/or variables?

If so, what are they and how do they work?

Thanks in advance.

Thanks for asking about that RLMauer.

Being a Windows application, of course, eValid has access from the environment of variables and values, e.g. via the batch mode interface.

Internally there are two important variables you should know about, in particular if you are navigating around the DOM of the page.

"sourceIndex" -- This is the internal value that points to the current DOM element...sourceIndex by default (at start) is 0, the first element in the DOM.

You change where you want it to point for, by example, an IndexFindElement command, which modifies the value.

You can also set the value from the script with IndexSet commands.

"elementValue" -- This is the internal value where the [string] contents of a property in the DOM is stored for use by eValid.

You get this set by certain DOM extraction commands and you put it into the DOM with certain DOM insertion commands.

See the documentation.

WindowID -- As eValid operates all of the successive windows (tabs) that you navigate to are given unique numbers, starting with 0, the original page.

You can shift the focus of eValid commands between all of the windows your script has opened by controlling this value in your script, which can be parameterized if you wish.

Hope this answers your question.

-- eValid Support
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