Who collects a users activity browsing

Discussion of the technology underlying the eValid solution.

Who collects a users activity browsing

Postby AustinG » Wed Feb 28, 2018 2:43 pm


I was reading up the forum posted last week and and I'd like to know about:

How a browser can collect user behavior information.

Does anyone do that?

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Joined: Wed Feb 28, 2018 2:39 pm

Re: Who collects a users activity browsing

Postby eValid » Thu Mar 01, 2018 12:35 pm

AustinG wrote:Afternoon.

I was reading up the forum posted last week and and I'd like to know about:

How a browser can collect user behavior information.

Does anyone do that?


Thanks for following our forum AustinG.

That response did leave the underlying question somewhat unanswered.

As far as we know, activities that generally fall into the general area of collecting user activity data, are indeed handled by a number of Application Performance Measurement (APM) services.

All of their End User Licensing Agreements vary and you really need to consult each service individually.

You can do a web search for "APM Companies" to find who these firms are.

It is fair to remark that some of the services we have seen collect some very detailed information, including even to "heat maps" of user activity on your own website.

We hope that helps you understand things better.

-- eValid Support
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