Running eValid with no window open during testing

Discussion of the technology underlying the eValid solution.

Running eValid with no window open during testing

Postby GaryWall » Thu Nov 16, 2017 2:54 pm


Can eValid run in "headless" mode?

Is this even possible?

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Joined: Thu Nov 16, 2017 2:51 pm

Re: Running eValid with no window open during testing

Postby eValid » Fri Nov 17, 2017 3:31 pm

GaryWall wrote:Afternoon.

Can eValid run in "headless" mode?

Is this even possible?


Great question GaryWall.

Typically a "headless" application is on that behaves like the actual application but does not show anything on the screen of the device where it is running.

In the TestWorks product line there was a headless playback engine that worked with the XWindows environment.

See for details on that.

For eValid, there is not 100% headless playback version, but there is one that is very small in execution footprint, and which can run a certain class of scripts when fully minimized.

Here is the manual page for eVlite: ... vlite.html

There is a constraint, however, in using eVlite.

Your script may not use any "application mode" commands.

As you know, in application mode eValid interacts with the windows desktop and when a copy of eValid is running fully minimized (no desktop visibility) and it encounters the desktop, then eValid will unminimize (that is, restore) the browser in order to complete the command.

Hope this answers your question.

-- eValid Support
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