Is eValid truly a script free tool

Discussion of the technology underlying the eValid solution.

Is eValid truly a script free tool

Postby TanyaG » Fri Oct 13, 2017 2:21 pm


I'm in searching out new web test automation tools I keep seeing "script-less" or "script free" but when I study such offerings I find that they are not really script free at all.

What's eValid take on this?

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Joined: Fri Oct 13, 2017 2:18 pm

Re: Is eValid truly a script free tool

Postby eValid » Mon Oct 16, 2017 5:31 pm

TanyaG wrote:Hello.

I'm in searching out new web test automation tools I keep seeing "script-less" or "script free" but when I study such offerings I find that they are not really script free at all.

What's eValid take on this?


Marketing hype is always going to be with us. If you lack capability X, then you can say, in your promotional items, that we are "entirely X free".

This turns a minus into a plus, or so say the marketeers!

We too have seen "script-less" and "no scripting" in some products and, like you, after investigation, find the claims misleading.

Our belief is that when someone says "no scripting" they mean that you don't need to learn the syntax of JavaScript or C or C++ or any other programming language in order to use the product.

In eValid, you can record a script (sorry, no other way to say it) and what you see is a sequence of commands into the eValid command interface.

Once you create that file (the script file) you can modify it easily.

In eValid's case you don't need programming language skills -- eValid runs a script by interpreting it on a line by line basis.

And, you can edit that script and change things around provided you can use an editor.

Just for completeness, here are some of the eValid product design principles: ... iples.html

All of that being said, you really cannot expect to run any testing product, eValid included, unless you have some basic computing skills.

Many products claim to "not require any programming skill" but as far as we have seen you can't do any serious web application testing and performance measurement without at least SOME computing skills!

-- eValid Support
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