My Web App issue with a click input ... help

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My Web App issue with a click input ... help

Postby BarbWe » Thu Sep 21, 2017 11:39 am


I'm having trouble getting my web application to accept a click.

What do you recommend i look for to correct this?

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Joined: Thu Sep 21, 2017 11:35 am

Re: My Web App issue with a click input ... help

Postby eValid » Fri Sep 22, 2017 11:14 am

BarbWe wrote:Morning.

I'm having trouble getting my web application to accept a click.

What do you recommend i look for to correct this?


Good question BarbWe, but without more details it is difficult to give an exact answer.

But we'll try to give some general ideas.

In many cases, there is an element in the page that is "sensitized" to receive a click, but only after other parts of the page are active.

You see this in practice when you click, and nothing happens, so you click again almost automatically.

In human input mode you are basically self-synchronizing, waiting for the page to be sensitive in the "right" way and then patiently re-sending the event until it "takes".

There is no easy way to emulate human thinking on this.

However, there is a lot of good research these days in applying artificial intelligence technology to the issue of software testing, but that is a different topic.

Probably you should check out for recent results in this hot area!

The key idea in this case is to only send the click even to an element that is ready for it.

That means, you have to synchronize on that element.

eValid provides a specific command to do that: SyncOnSelectedObjProperty parameters...

This is one of a family of commands, described here: ... n.dom.html

The parameters identify the details of the specific page element you want to synchronize on, and what you are waiting for in that element that tells you the element is ready to receive the click.

The synchronization loop continues until the specified property values are all what they are supposed to be. Then you can issue an ElementClick command to send the click even to an element that you KNOW is ready to process it.

Contact us if you have difficulties on this.

-- eValid Support
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