laneca wrote:Why don't you have eValid for Chrome and Firefox? OK, if you
can't offer that what can you do to replace that lack?
Fair question.
Mostly, it is a matter of priority and resources (haven't you heard that before)?
Priority because we don't really get that much "pull" from customers/users for having a FireFox version, particularly in view of the fact that eValid does have a facility to pretent (spoof) being ANY browser, FireFox included.
Resources because one of the drawbacks of taking the easy route, which is to have playback of test scripts executed in JavaScript, was found to be (1) very consumption of client-browser resources, and that messed up the internal timing data, and (2) if you assign the JavaScript interpreter, which is single threaded, to the job of doing playback then you interfere pretty drastically with any AJAX operations that are going on in the browser.
Chrome is a different matter and we are working on implementing eValid functions inside the Chrome browser...stay tuned for word on when!
The eValid Team