How to spider a website with eValid

Discussion of the technology underlying the eValid solution.

How to spider a website with eValid

Postby MaureenP » Tue Sep 12, 2023 6:36 am


Do you have a simple explanation of how eValid can "spider" a website?

Thanks in advance.
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Joined: Tue Sep 12, 2023 6:14 am

Re: How to spider a website with eValid

Postby eValid » Wed Sep 13, 2023 7:35 am

MaureenP wrote:Morning.

Do you have a simple explanation of how eValid can "spider" a website?

Thanks in advance.

Thanks for asking about that, MaureenP

We're not sure how much detail you want, but here is a summary of the basic eValid Site Analysis algorithm: ... ation.html

It should be noted that while the idea is attractive, you probably should be thinking of using eValid so scan individual -- your own! -- website.

To use eValid as a general web-wide scanner would be very inefficient compared to the search engine "bots" that do this work daily.

- eValid Support
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