Can eValid run test from a clipboard text

Discussion of the technology underlying the eValid solution.

Can eValid run test from a clipboard text

Postby DianeP » Fri Aug 18, 2017 1:48 pm


Your eValid abounds with ways to synchronize...but do you have an approach for synchronization of test playback based on the content of a clipboard text?

Is this even possible to test.

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Joined: Fri Aug 18, 2017 1:45 pm

Re: Can eValid run test from a clipboard text

Postby eValid » Mon Aug 21, 2017 12:37 pm

DianeP wrote:Afternoon.

Your eValid abounds with ways to synchronize...but do you have an approach for synchronization of test playback based on the content of a clipboard text?

Is this even possible to test.


A very good question DianeP.

Here is a write-up of the technical approach we recommend for this kind of synchronization, which, we are sure you will agree, is unusual.

Here is the outlined solution: ... .sync.html

The script relies on using a ValidateClipboardText command, which normally either does or does not PASS.

The "trick" here is to use the GoScript command to set up the front part of the synchronization loop.

That will cycle around until either sync is obtained, or you time out.

Let us know if you have trouble getting this to work.

-- eValid Support
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