VS2010 "Coded UI Test" Capability

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VS2010 "Coded UI Test" Capability

Postby limcom » Mon Apr 26, 2010 10:12 pm

Where do you guys sit with respect to Microsoft's new VS2010 "Coded UI Test" capability?
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Re: VS2010 "Coded UI Test" Capability

Postby eValid » Sat May 01, 2010 12:36 pm

limcom wrote:Where do you guys sit with respect to Microsoft's new VS2010 "Coded UI Test" capability?

As we understand it, this is not yet a formally released product, so it may be too early to comment.

From what we've seen, however, the Coded UI Test facility records from the desktop into a .Net language (C++, C#, VB, etc.) and the resulting program is compiled into an executable. So you have to have the entire VS2010 installed in order for the test to work.

We'll add more information about VS2010 and Coded UI Test as soon as it becomes availble.

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