Comparing eValid to Others

Discussion of the technology underlying the eValid solution.

Comparing eValid to Others

Postby fxfaq » Thu Mar 18, 2010 3:25 pm

How does eValid match up against Webdriver and Selenium and WATIR and all of those engines that also say they are browser based?
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Re: Comparing eValid to Others

Postby eValid » Wed Mar 24, 2010 4:48 pm

fxfaq wrote:How does eValid match up against Webdriver and Selenium and WATIR and all of those engines that also say they are browser based?

That is a good question and there is a lot to be said about that. Perhaps too much!

The SHORT answer, however, is that eValid's architecture is fundamentally distinct in a very important way. eValid works standalone as a browser, and the special testing functionality is built into it. eValid is NOT done as a plugin or a wrapper, so eValid can claim uniqueness on that point.

A second critical architectural difference arises because of the way eValid is constructed: Being a free-standing browser the test functionality does NOT interfere with the operation of the JavaScript engine, as do other solutions. This feature is very important if you are dealing with AJAX, for which eValid operates perfectly and never causes and slowdown due to JavaScript interactions...there are none.

The long answer is...well...too long for this Forum. Contact the office and ask that question of one of the Technical Support people...

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