webtestgadfly wrote:Can you give us any idea about when eValid functionality will be available on other browsers? Firefox playback only would be nice...even a rough estimate will be helpful.
That brings up a very good point. There are a couple of answers on this.
* eValid, being a self-contained, non-JavaScript based record/play engine, is very difficult to build...and we've so far put our efforts into doing as good a job as we can with the IE base.
* eValid does have the ability to "set user agent string" so it can actually emulate ANY browser...that is, eValid can present itself to the server as an browser at all...and thus evoke different response HTML. If you check on the website you'll find that we do have an example that illustrates this.
* At one point -- a couple of years ago -- we did have a JavaScript playback only that ran on FireFox, but the problem was twofold: (1) it was a performance hog (and we hear that this is a common problem when you use the JavaScript engine to effect testing actions), and (2) when the JavaScript runs a synchronization step we found that it hogged the engine and thus prevented AJAX applications from running well.
Instead, eValid now has DOM-based in-the-browser polling loops for synchronization that actually DO work with AJAX applications.
Hope this answers your question, Mr. Gadfly...appreciate yoru having asked.
-eValid Architecture Support