Question about frame and iframe

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Question about frame and iframe

Postby TomasZ » Mon Oct 12, 2015 3:12 pm


Is a frame/iframe the same as a separate page?

What's the story here...Please help me out...

Posts: 1
Joined: Mon Oct 12, 2015 3:09 pm

Re: Question about frame and iframe

Postby eValid » Tue Oct 13, 2015 8:59 am

TomasZ wrote:Afternoon:

Is a frame/iframe the same as a separate page?

What's the story here...Please help me out...


Thanks for asking Tomasz,

Each frame/iframe is, in effect a separate page in the sense that it has it's own DOM.

In other words, the DOM structure is present for EVERY frame/iframe in the page and yes, you can view them separately in separate pages if you want.

That's why eValid keeps track of the frame to which a command applies through use of the frame-name modifier to commands.

If there's no framename value, usually indicated by a "", then the command applies to be zeroth frame, the base frame of the page. That's the same as frame path "number:0".

Here is the complete explanation of how the frame path naming system works in eValid: ... _path.html

-- eValid Support
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