Need advice on query strings in a URL

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Need advice on query strings in a URL

Postby TiffanyC » Tue Sep 22, 2015 8:34 am


How can I manipulate the query strings in a URL using eValid?

Seems like that ought to be very easy thing to do with eValid.

Thanks in advance!

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Joined: Tue Sep 22, 2015 8:28 am

Re: Need advice on query strings in a URL

Postby eValid » Wed Sep 23, 2015 10:07 am

TiffanyC wrote:Morning.

How can I manipulate the query strings in a URL using eValid?

Seems like that ought to be very easy thing to do with eValid.

Thanks in advance!


Thanks for posting your question TiffanyC.

Yes, it IS easy using eValid to manipulate query strings in a web application test.

For one thing, the URL's that are involved in a test are, in most cases, shown in their complete form in the eValid script that you use to play back a test.

Also, you have explicit GetURL and PostURL commands that you can use directly, and these can be expressed in parametric form as well.

To manipulate them you simply make them parameters... $NAME is an example parameter, but you can use any NAME you like as long as the parametric name starts with a "$".

There are many ways to vary the value of $NAME at playback time. Here is an example of how parameters appear in an _eValid invocation within a LoadTest script: ... rings.html

Here is more information about how to handle parameters in eValid scripts: ... ables.html

-- eValid Support
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