Can eValid be used to highlight a text on a page

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Can eValid be used to highlight a text on a page

Postby MeganGY » Thu May 07, 2015 11:42 am


Can eValid be set up to highlight a portion of text (simple HTML text) on my page?

Can the highlighting be done without using the desktop commands?

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Joined: Thu May 07, 2015 11:39 am

Re: Can eValid be used to highlight a text on a page

Postby eValid » Mon May 11, 2015 1:21 pm

MeganGY wrote:Afternoon:

Can eValid be set up to highlight a portion of text (simple HTML text) on my page?

Can the highlighting be done without using the desktop commands?


Thanks for asking MeganGY,

The way to highlight a portion of an HTML text string is to use the desktop commands that move the mouse to a particular position, move the mouse right (or left) using a drag command, and then release the mouse. And, just to be clear, this solution necessarily involves the desktop, even though the commands can be done in pixel coordinates relative to the upper-left-hand corner of the window.

You can use the structural commands to accomplish this and you do approximately the same thing by simply extracting the text of the element that has the section of text that you want to highlight.

Here is a reference for the available resource in structural testing that may be helpful: ... urces.html

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