Ways to change the dimensions of a new window dynamically

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Ways to change the dimensions of a new window dynamically

Postby NadineF » Wed Feb 11, 2015 11:19 am


Do you have some sneaky way to change the dimensions of a new window -- dynamically... I can't get it all to fit on my screen.

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Re: Ways to change the dimensions of a new window dynamicall

Postby eValid » Thu Feb 12, 2015 10:53 am

NadineF wrote:Morning:

Do you have some sneaky way to change the dimensions of a new window -- dynamically... I can't get it all to fit on my screen.


Thanks for asking NadineF.

We're not sure what you mean about not "getting it to fit on your screen," but yes, it is possible using the eValid structual commands

Here is a fully worked example that shows how this is done:

http://www.e-valid.com/Products/Documen ... sions.html

The "trick" here is to use the Resize command after the window opens up.

You can make it any size you want but be sure to make it big enough to see.

-- eValid Support
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