Question about eValid

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Question about eValid

Postby SvennZ » Fri Oct 10, 2014 5:41 pm


Hey eValid! Just found out about you, are you some kinda' stealth company or what?

Anyway, my question is, what is the hardest part about building eValid?

Posts: 1
Joined: Fri Oct 10, 2014 5:30 pm

Re: Question about eValid

Postby eValid » Mon Oct 13, 2014 2:28 pm

SvennZ wrote:Evening.

Hey eValid! Just found out about you, are you some kinda' stealth company or what?

Anyway, my question is, what is the hardest part about building eValid?


Nice that you asked SvennZ.

In practice, building eValid presented a number of challenges, in approximate order of difficulty:

* Getting the architecture right. Messing around with the Trident Rendering Engine (i.e. MSHTML) is very tricky and if you are not careful and get it wrong you can spend many months in rework. Our initial design as a full-featured browser with user-accessible controls seems to have stood the test of time.

* Recording engine. It is VERY tricky to write a test script that will play back correctly based on what a user has just done with the browser face. We had to do some "magic" in some cases to get it to work correctly.

* Playback synchronization. The signals in a browser often are not fully indicative of what you think they are and what the documentation implies. For example, we learned early on that "Done" does not mean "done enough for a test application." So we had to invent a number of special "tricks" to assure reliable self-synchronized playback.

That gives you a flavor.

Why don't you try eValid out and see for yourself how it works?

-- eValid Support
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