eValid the same as IE?

General discussion about eValid, its characteristis and applications.

eValid the same as IE?

Postby SilviaN » Tue Aug 12, 2014 1:56 pm

Hey guys, I need to confirm that eValid functions identically with IE and that the problems eValid reveals are real problems, not just issues with your product?

DO you have a list of URLs that you would recommend to use to give me confidence?

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Joined: Tue Aug 12, 2014 1:53 pm

Re: eValid the same as IE?

Postby eValid » Wed Aug 13, 2014 11:03 am

SilviaN wrote:Hey guys, I need to confirm that eValid functions identically with IE and that the problems eValid reveals are real problems, not just issues with your product?

DO you have a list of URLs that you would recommend to use to give me confidence?


Thanks for bring up this question SilviaN.

We have two answers for you.

First answer: eValid renders pages identically to the IE version that is installed on your machine. That's because eValid uses the IE rendering engine to render pages.

Here is a basic reference about Trident:


We have never had any reports in many years of operation to suggest that eValid's rendering of HTML is any different from IE's.

Second answer:

If we needed to have some URLs that you could use to quickly confirm identical here is the kind of list you might use in a side-by-side check:

(1) Go to www.bing.com, and use the search engine to compare the auto-suggest answers.

(2) Go to www.cnn.com, and compare the content of the two screens.

(3) Go to google.maps.com, and navigate to the same address (make it a real one so the map location is very precise).

You get the idea: do side-by-side checks and after a while you'll be convinced.

-- eValid Support
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