Interested in Regression Testing Tool

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Interested in Regression Testing Tool

Postby BVincent » Thu May 29, 2014 9:04 pm


I've been looking at all kinds of regression testing tool, including eValid.

My short list also included some freeware programs such as (actiWATE, Selenium & Watir) but my management says they would rather have a product with a stronger and more reliable support base.

What about that?

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Joined: Thu May 29, 2014 9:00 pm

Re: Interested in Regression Testing Tool

Postby eValid » Fri May 30, 2014 11:35 am

BVincent wrote:Evening.

I've been looking at all kinds of regression testing tool, including eValid.

My short list also included some freeware programs such as (actiWATE, Selenium & Watir) but my management says they would rather have a product with a stronger and more reliable support base.

What about that?


Thanks for asking BVincent.

The old saying goes, "...if it sounds too good to be true, it probably isn't!"

Freeware can be a real help if you (a) are highly technical (because a lot of programming skill will be needed and (b) you have a lot of free time on your hands.

On the other hand, (the ones you have that don't have any free time!), having a supported, professionally developed PRODUCT probably will save you a lot of money in the long run. Look at it this way: Let the vendor solve problems in the tooling, so YOU can concentrate on solving the problem.

May organizations do, indeed, go the freeware route, but in a lot of cases (in our opinion) this is to indulge their technical staff so that they can build up skills that they could market. This is true because so many freeware based projects have to bring in outside technical consultants to finish up what less-experienced inside staff may have started. Not every case, surely, but a lot of them.

The new saying is: "Freeware is not free."

-- eValid Support
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