Currently using JMeter ... why is eValid better

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Currently using JMeter ... why is eValid better

Postby ArthurIS » Tue Apr 29, 2014 12:25 pm


I just wanted to pose my thoughts and like an answer to the following:

We've developed a set of four tests using JMeter that tests our AJAX/SAP login and shopping cart application looking for failures?

We don't need to render pages to do this.

We also know how our application is coded.

Why is eValid better?

Posts: 1
Joined: Tue Apr 29, 2014 12:20 pm

Re: Currently using JMeter ... why is eValid better

Postby eValid » Wed Apr 30, 2014 8:14 am

ArthurIS wrote:Afternoon.

I just wanted to pose my thoughts and like an answer to the following:

We've developed a set of four tests using JMeter that tests our AJAX/SAP login and shopping cart application looking for failures?

We don't need to render pages to do this.

We also know how our application is coded.

Why is eValid better?


Hello ArhurIS. Thanks for asking.

There are two issues that I see here:

(1) You have made tests that drive your web server from your web server; you don't have the client view at all.

(2) When the application changes, you have to rewrite four of your hand-crafted tests.

With eValid you write ONE test and you can probably make the test invulnerable to changes in your the way your application works that would otherwise require re-programming.

So, with eValid you get:

(a) Only do the test scripting once.

(b) Possibility to make the script insensitive the changes.

(c) Save $$ in avoiding reprogramming costs in the future.

Using commands like OnErrorGoScript you can even program eValid to abort when any of several kinds of playback failures occur. See: ... -tier.html

-- eValid Support
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