Contract with you to develop a test suite

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Contract with you to develop a test suite

Postby Theodore » Fri Aug 10, 2012 3:35 pm

If we contract with you to develop a test suite, is the work done here or do you off-shore the effort?
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Joined: Fri Aug 10, 2012 3:33 pm

Re: Contract with you to develop a test suite

Postby eValid » Sat Aug 18, 2012 8:47 am

Theodore wrote:If we contract with you to develop a test suite, is the work done here or do you off-shore the effort?
Thanks for asking about how we can help develop a test suite.

There are two points to be made about this type of service:

(1) We do the work here. The work is done by experienced eValid experts working in our offices under senior management supervision. Delivery is over the web and during the test suite development there is regular phone contact (assuming the time-zones match up).

(2) We view a test suite development project as a kind of "training in place". The intention is NOT to take over test suite development or management for the long term. To the contrary, a typical service contract with us in this mode runs only for a week or two, and results in a complete test suite of 20-100 tests, depending on the complexity of the application and how complete the test play objectives (which you supply) are.

When done, this test suite should serve for the customer as a working prototype that covers all of the functionality of an application. Having this prototype in house makes it VERY easy to extend, expand, and modify tests when the application grows or is changed.

Bottom line: we see a test suite development assignment as an opportunity to demonstrate skilled use of eValid and as a way of transferring that technology into the customers' hands efficiently and effectively.

-eValid Support
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