Model popup question involving HTTP access

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Model popup question involving HTTP access

Postby MadlynR » Wed Feb 24, 2016 1:50 pm

Good afternoon.

How does eValid handle the modal popup that shows up when doing a basic HTTP Access type file authentication?

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Joined: Wed Feb 24, 2016 1:47 pm

Re: Model popup question involving HTTP access

Postby eValid » Thu Feb 25, 2016 8:26 am

MadlynR wrote:Good afternoon.

How does eValid handle the modal popup that shows up when doing a basic HTTP Access type file authentication?


A fair question, this can be a problem sometimes MadlynR.

This problem indicates you are trying to test a web application that is secured by a login and password.

The first thing to do is to attempt to run your test AFTER there was a login.

That'll eliminate the problem.

The only thing to worry about in this case is that the eValid browser will remember having been logged in...and if the test causes the browser to collapse, then you will have to log in again.

The other route is to handle the login -- from a fresh browser instance -- using an eValid-based login sequence.

Here is a writeup that describes how to do this: ... rview.html

As you can see, the only issue here is that you have to assure that you start each test with a fresh browser...otherwise, the login protocol will detect that you are logged in and NOT give you the screen to do the login.

Also, please DO protect your password details!

-- eValid Support
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