Can eValid call up a test script using another script?

General discussion about eValid, its characteristis and applications.

Can eValid call up a test script using another script?

Postby RogerC » Mon Dec 07, 2015 6:21 am

Evening from the UK.

I want to call a test script from another test script.

Is this possible, kindly help me.

Posts: 1
Joined: Mon Dec 07, 2015 6:17 am

Re: Can eValid call up a test script using another script?

Postby eValid » Tue Dec 08, 2015 8:58 am

RogerC wrote:Evening from the UK.

I want to call a test script from another test script.

Is this possible, kindly help me.


Thanks for posting for the UK RogerC.

In eValid this is simple.

The command is basically this:

CallScript "[PATH]script-name" ["Data-Substitution-Pair [,Data-Substitution-Pair] "]

Basically, the calling script names the called script with a fully qualified path on the current machine, or, if you like, a simple file name that is assumed to be in the same directory as the calling script.

The interesting this about this method is that the called script can pass parameters in the form of data-substitution pairs, e.g. $VALUE=string.

There can be any number of these.

The called script will, if expressed in parametric form, pick up the string substitutions you have specified.

However, if the $VALUE is not defined in the target script then the substitution is ignored.

For safety, the name of the called script cannot be the same as the name of the calling script.

First level recursion is not permitted (nor would you expect it in the fully interpreted command language that eValid employs).

-- eValid Support
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