Need help using eValid to run a command on the Windows OS

General discussion about eValid, its characteristis and applications.

Need help using eValid to run a command on the Windows OS

Postby SammyH » Thu Sep 03, 2015 9:22 am

Hey eValid.

I need a hand on this one.

How can I run a command to my Windows system from inside eValid?

Is this even possible?

Posts: 1
Joined: Thu Sep 03, 2015 9:01 am

Re: Need help using eValid to run a command on the Windows O

Postby eValid » Fri Sep 04, 2015 11:27 am

SammyH wrote:Hey eValid.

I need a hand on this one.

How can I run a command to my Windows system from inside eValid?

Is this even possible?


Thanks for the post SammyH.

Yes, this is a standard provision of the eValid solution. This features gives you the option of running a windows command -- any command sequence you can run from a "command shell" -- from with an eValid playback script.

There are two options for this command:

(1) Run right away and won't wait for completion. This version looks like this in your script:

SystemCall "command to windows"

(2) Run the command now and wait for it to complete. This version looks like this in your script:

SystemCallWait "command to windows"

Something to watch out for is that if you tell eValid to wait until this command completes, and it doesn't, then you can waiting quote a long time!

We have found it is better to do something like this:

SystemCall "command to windows"
Delay (amount of delay in msecs)

That way you wait for a fixed length of time and then go on.

Often this saves a script from FAIL status.

-- eValid Support
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