Need help look for content at the head of the webpage

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Need help look for content at the head of the webpage

Postby RobertaC » Wed Aug 12, 2015 5:25 pm


I need to get the content and other tags that are in the HEAD section of a page.

How do I do that?

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Joined: Wed Aug 12, 2015 5:15 pm

Re: Need help look for content at the head of the webpage

Postby eValid » Thu Aug 13, 2015 8:31 am

RobertaC wrote:Hello.

I need to get the content and other tags that are in the HEAD section of a page.

How do I do that?


Thanks for asking RobertaC.

This is easier than you think.

The eValid PageMap will show you that, in most cases, the 0th index is the top frame (there's always one by default) and sourceIndex = 1 usually is the first part of the HEAD section.

Here is a general description of the PageMap feature: ... neral.html

Here is how to use it: ... p.gui.html

We recommend that you do some experimentation with the PageMap on the page you are working with to get a sense of how your page is put together.

-- eValid Support
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