Can eValid run with the brower zoom level set at 200%?

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Can eValid run with the brower zoom level set at 200%?

Postby MiguelC » Tue Mar 24, 2015 10:18 am


Can eValid still run if the browzer zoom level is set to 200%?

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Joined: Tue Mar 24, 2015 10:16 am

Re: Can eValid run with the brower zoom level set at 200%?

Postby eValid » Wed Mar 25, 2015 6:43 pm

MiguelC wrote:Hiya:

Can eValid still run if the browzer zoom level is set to 200%?



Thanks for asking.

If your test script doesn't involve anything that is affected by the zoom level, then you are OK.

You are OK also, even, if you run your test in fully minimized mode.

We call this feature of a test as being "desktop safe," described in this manual page: ... .safe.html

However, spoiler alert!

In case your test uses ANYTHING that requires access to the desktop, then browser zoom level will be an issue.

One of the neat things about eValid is that even if you run a test fully minimized, if eValid needs the desktop it will un-mimimize (that is, "restore") the browser face.

So a good way to find out if your test is desktop safe is to launch your test from the eValid dashboard after minimizing the browser. If the browser restores to the desktop during the playback then you're NOT running a desktop safe test.

You can single-step through the playback and take not of the particular command that defeats the "desktop safe" character of your test.

--eValid Support
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