Does eValid support JVM Ver. 8

General discussion about eValid, its characteristis and applications.

Does eValid support JVM Ver. 8

Postby JosephB » Mon Apr 14, 2014 1:42 pm


I just want to know if you guys support the JVM Ver. 8 or not?

Not a big deal, just need to know.

Posts: 1
Joined: Mon Apr 14, 2014 1:39 pm

Re: Does eValid support JVM Ver. 8

Postby eValid » Tue Apr 15, 2014 9:56 am

JosephB wrote:Hey.

I just want to know if you guys support the JVM Ver. 8 or not?

Not a big deal, just need to know.


Hey JosephB, thanks for posting.

At this time, eValid directly supports only Java Ver. 6.

But the applets included in eValid V9 run on ANY Java system, but you have to adjust the security settings appropriately.

There are a lot of changes going from Java 6 to Java 7 or Java 8 and our developers are working on getting full support for this.

The changes mainly have to do with security and various protections that we don't think are important to someone using eValid for testing web applications.

So, we recommend that you stay with Java Ver. 6 if you wan to experience the full power of the Java applets that are part of the eValid LogFile analysis and display functionality, and also part of the site analysis capability, to show dependency trees of groups of web pages.

In the meanwhile, the Java applets that are part of the eValid suite will run perfectly well with later versions of Java (i.e. Ver. 7 and 8) provided you give them sufficient permissions on your machine.

-- eValid Support
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