Breakpoint Command Question

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Breakpoint Command Question

Postby GillianD » Mon Apr 07, 2014 11:51 am


I really like that breakpoint command, it is really handy when developing a script. But is there any way to insert a breakpoint without having to edit the script?

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Re: Breakpoint Command Question

Postby eValid » Tue Apr 08, 2014 1:07 pm

GillianD wrote:Afternoon:

I really like that breakpoint command, it is really handy when developing a script. But is there any way to insert a breakpoint without having to edit the script?


Afternoon GillianD. Thanks for posting.

The answer is that you can do this easily from the script window.

Here is an explanation of all of the actions you can take from the eValid Script Window: ... indow.html

In the script window the sequence to insert a breakpoint is as follows:

Insert > Extrinsic commands > Breakpoint

eValid will put the Breakpoint command at the place where you have your cursor in the Script Window...and it will add a friendly comment to show you how the command works and could be modified.

-- eValid Support
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