7bwp wrote:What is the minimum "settling time" needed for your structural commands so that you can have confidence that they have worked?
What you are talking about is the phenomena in which a series of "structural commands" manipulate the DOM and then, if you are not careful the next command will fail because the DOM hasn't fully updated.
This happens a lot with heavily AJAX pages, because a LOT is going on "behind the scenes" with JavaScript interactions with the server.
We generally put a
Delay 100 (delay 0.1 sec) after a series of DOM manipulation commands, just to give the browser time to settle down.
But there is another, possibly more reliable way. Run a Validate and Synchronize command -- there are many of these, for a range of possibilities -- and that way you can be CERTAIN that the required state of the DOM is present before you proceed to the next step in your tests.
In fact, this is probably a very good general protocol: (a) act on the DOM, (b) confirm that the actions are completed, and then (c) go on to the next step. In this case (a) can be as simple as a visible text validation, which you
can record from the eValid GUI.
eValid Support