Synchronize a playback on an invisible property value

Applying eValid to AJAX applications that require advanced DOM-based methods.

Synchronize a playback on an invisible property value

Postby plty » Wed Jul 13, 2011 3:46 pm

Can you synchronize a playback on an invisible property value?
Posts: 1
Joined: Wed Jul 13, 2011 3:15 pm

Re: Synchronize a playback on an invisible property value

Postby eValid » Thu Jul 14, 2011 2:57 pm

plty wrote:Can you synchronize a playback on an invisible property value?
Yes, you can. Believe it or not! And yes, we have had customers who do this.

The thing to recognize is that eValid's SyncOnSelectedObjProperty command lets you synchronize your playback on any property value that is defined in the element. That includes a LOT of properties that do change (and hence indicate synchronzation is ready) and are not visible at all.

Give it a'll like the way it works!

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