by eValid » Fri Jul 08, 2011 10:32 am
Yes, the structural commands do NOT have any automatic synchronization. eValid issues them and then goes on, the assumption being that such commands are few in number relative to other commands that do have built-in synchronization.
But if you have a large number of successive structural commands there is a chance that the browser could be overloaded. In other words, "nobody really types that fast!"
Here is an alternative idea for how to overcome browser overload due to too many rapid inputs direct into the DOM.
There is a value in the Playback Settings called Command Delay which is defaulted to 0, which normally allows eValid to play the script using whatever Wait times and/or internal command synchronizations are available.
Try setting the command delay to 100 (0.1 sec). Each command will now wait that long before proceeding to the next command. This may introduce enough extra time for the browser to catch up with the high rates of input that you are commanding with your ~500 quick text-field entries.
As before, try 100, and if that works, then try 50...or if it fails then try 200, etc.
Our experience is that 100 msec is enough time for the browser to re-stabilize after structural commands, but this could be longer if there is AJAX involved.
eValid Tech Support Team