What Do You eValid Guys Do About AJAX Synchronization?

Applying eValid to AJAX applications that require advanced DOM-based methods.

What Do You eValid Guys Do About AJAX Synchronization?

Postby wqess » Thu Nov 04, 2010 3:46 pm

What do you eValid guys do about AJAX synchronization?
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Joined: Thu Nov 04, 2010 3:03 pm

Re: What Do You eValid Guys Do About AJAX Synchronization?

Postby eValid » Fri Nov 12, 2010 9:58 am

wqess wrote:What do you eValid guys do about AJAX synchronization?

As you know, the issue with AJAX applications is, well, that they are "asynchronous" -- AJAX means "asynchronous JavaScript and XML" doesn't it?

The issue then, in simplest practical terms is, how do you get a test playback on a AJAX-based site to never de-synchronize.

One solution is to but very long Wait's or Delay's in the script, but destroys the realism that eValid is so good at.

The other solution is to record synchronization points using the built in GUI-based "Validate and Synchronize on Text String" command (from the Record pulldown) after every page navigation. If you do this, then the built-in synchronization logic will hold the playback back unto the required text realy is present in the page. This is very reliable and effective.

Admittedly, some AJAX applications may require a bit more than this, but 99% of them are OK with this simple expedient of recording the sync actions as you go along.

In case you are in that 1% there are many OTHER commands that you can edit into your script to achieve reliably AJAX playback. One of the most powerful of these is "Validate and Synchronize on Selected [DOM] Object Property," which synchronizes by interrogating the DOM periodically until a specific condition obtains. You can't get much more powerful than this.

The eValid Team
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