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Anyway to tell if an element is present in the webpage

PostPosted: Thu Dec 12, 2019 9:40 am
by MMurdock

Is there an autogenerated method in page-object that can tell if the element is present?


Re: Anyway to tell if an element is present in the webpage

PostPosted: Fri Dec 13, 2019 9:25 am
by eValid
MMurdock wrote:Morning.

Is there an autogenerated method in page-object that can tell if the element is present?


Thanks for the question MMurdock.

You have two routes for this:

I. Search for the element and if it is found (no Error messages sent) then you know it is there:

See: ... ement.html

II. The other method is to set up a synchronization for some expected-to-be value for that index.

Here is the manual page that applies: ... n.dom.html

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