Can eValid deal with geolocational inputs

Applying eValid to AJAX applications that require advanced DOM-based methods.

Can eValid deal with geolocational inputs

Postby BLaRue » Wed May 25, 2016 10:08 am


How does eValid test "geolocation".

Moving the device around isn't going to be possible and I need to simulate those inputs?

Any help?
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Joined: Wed May 25, 2016 10:03 am

Re: Can eValid deal with geolocational inputs

Postby eValid » Thu May 26, 2016 2:19 pm

BLaRue wrote:Morning.

How does eValid test "geolocation".

Moving the device around isn't going to be possible and I need to simulate those inputs?

Any help?

Very good question and indeed, many devices (you could say, almost all of them!) have the ability to read the current latitude and longitude (lat/long) values using special GPS sensitive chips.

How do you access this in a web page?

The right way to think of this is that the browser has to communicated the lat/lon values to the server. It's the server that decides when to send you based on your geolocation, typically varying the page content to give you specific data that is pertinent to your location.

At some point in time, when the browser is navigating over to a new page, the values for the current lat/long are stored in the current web page.

Where they are, specifically, in the page is another question; but be assured they are there.

Finding where the values are is going to take knowledge of the JavaScript that processes them for the AJAX within the server.

If you're testing this, your development team will be able to point out the names of the variables.

So, first you search the page looking for the right indicators, or IDs using the IndexFine command:. ... ement.html

How you know when to look and you can use the eValid DOM input/output commands to read then or modify them to some required lat/long value.

Here are the commands that modify the DOM: ... utput.html

This is a fairly advanced question and we hope that this brief outline of a solution with the eValid capabilities is helpful.

-- eValid Support
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