Complex Synchronizations

Applying eValid to AJAX applications that require advanced DOM-based methods.

Complex Synchronizations

Postby wingef » Thu May 12, 2011 2:51 pm

Can an AJAX application with complex synchronizations cause a machine overload because too much time is spent synchronizing playbacks?
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Re: Complex Synchronizations

Postby eValid » Fri May 13, 2011 6:47 am

wingef wrote:Can an AJAX application with complex synchronizations cause a machine overload because too much time is spent synchronizing playbacks?

Fair worry and yes there are situations when the synchronization logic does take a major chunk of CPU time -- a situation you want to avoid.

To prevent this we intentionally made the maximum retry rate in the eValid engine 100 Hz (a 10 msec delay between tries). We measured CPU utilization and found that a 100-BU LoadTest playback with all 100 BUs doing waits would not consume more than 1% of the CPU, and we judged that to be a low enough "overhead" so that the actual measurements being done are not influenced unduly by the synchronization artifact.

So, the answer is that yes, it could be a problem, but we took care of that by preventing in but choosing the maximum rates with that issue in mind.

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