Analyze DOM values in a current page

Applying eValid to AJAX applications that require advanced DOM-based methods.

Analyze DOM values in a current page

Postby running » Mon Mar 21, 2011 4:12 pm

Does evalid have a way to read, extract, and modify and analyze DOM values in a current page?
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Joined: Mon Mar 21, 2011 4:04 pm

Re: Analyze DOM values in a current page

Postby eValid » Wed Mar 23, 2011 2:33 pm

running wrote:Does evalid have a way to read, extract, and modify and analyze DOM values in a current page?

Yes, the usual set of basic commands for performing any kind of DOM manipulation is supported, as described in detail in the eValid Product Documentation.

Briefly, you have commands like ValueGetElement, ValuePutElement, ValueSet, IndexSave, IndexRead, ValueSave, ValueRead, and IndexSaveObjProperty.

In other words, for any particular property name and/or value at some sourceIndex in the current page, you can read/write the value to/from the DOM itself, and to/from a local file.

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