Do You Structural Commands Provide A Complete Framework?

Applying eValid to AJAX applications that require advanced DOM-based methods.

Do You Structural Commands Provide A Complete Framework?

Postby vs7c » Mon Nov 15, 2010 12:10 pm

Do you structural commands provide a complete framework? What is your experience in hand-modifying from-life tests using your structral approach?
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Re: Do You Structural Commands Provide A Complete Framework?

Postby eValid » Tue Nov 30, 2010 8:19 am

vs7c wrote:Do you structural commands provide a complete framework? What is your experience in hand-modifying from-life tests using your structural approach?

Yes, the set of commands provided are "complete" in the sense that they are able to do ANY kind of operation. All of the needed commands are present in that set of commands to do any kind of DOM content based manipulation or playback synchronization.

As readers of our Forum know, eValid's forte -- its main strength -- is that it is a record/play engine with 99.99% reliablity. At the same time, experience shows that even the best record/play engine will need some extra "hand made corrections" to get the right results.

In desiging eValid we made sure that the script language was a simple as possible. Every command includes only the necessary pieces of information to assure reliable playback of the actions the command represents.

The bottom line is, once you are familiar with the command structure and how individual commands can be combined, it is a very simple process to convert a "from life" recording into a working script. That is a process that does NOT require programming skill! Just basic knowledge of how web pages are put together and a tiny bit of patience.

The eValid Team
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