A critical element on a test page vanished

Applying eValid to AJAX applications that require advanced DOM-based methods.

A critical element on a test page vanished

Postby Jefferyk » Mon Mar 12, 2012 5:11 pm

What happens if a critical element on a test page vanished due to a change in the page?
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Joined: Mon Mar 12, 2012 5:08 pm

Re: A critical element on a test page vanished

Postby eValid » Wed Mar 14, 2012 10:56 am

Jefferyk wrote:What happens if a critical element on a test page vanished due to a change in the page?
It depends on to whom (or to what) it is critical.

If the script you are running tries to synchronize on a particular object on the page, possibly by looking for its ID tag, and that element isn't present any more due to page maintenance, then that step will FAIL -- which is what you would expect eValid to do.

If the element in question is on the page, but is not used specifically in the script as a validation point, a structural pivot point, or as a synchronization point, then probably there'll be no change in operation of the script, because eValid's adaptive playback will compensate for that kind of change.

That having been said, there is the all-important caveat: sure enough there ARE pages where even removal of an element that is not used in the above roles causes the script to break (that is to FAIL).

But you would want that to happen...you would want to know that something critical had disappeared and that caused a FAILure.

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