worldp wrote:How do you synchronize VERY complex pages that involve multiple frames all of which include large chunks of JavaScript code?
It sounds like you are dealing with one of the more modern web applications, which often involve very large (e.g. 1 MByte or more) of JavaScript code loaded into the browser from the server in several different stages (a method that is used to impove performance at the browser face).
The issue in testing boils donw to "How do I make sure that my JavaScript is fully present before I start taking actions on it?"
While eValid has very powerful built-in synchronization logic for page navigations -- what we call the NAV protocol in the documentation -- in many cases that does not work well for JavaScript downloads because the parent page is fully "navigated to" but the JavaScript is still piling up inside
the browser.
The simplest thing to do is to make your recording using the
act > wait > sync [act > wait > sync, ...] record-time protocol. Take an action on your web page, wait until a critical piece of text that you know has to be present in order for the next action to be meaningful to arrive on the screen, and then record a
SyncOnText command using the GUI sequence:
eValid > Record > Validate > & Synchronize > Text String. This simple "recording protocol" almost always results in a reliable (fully synchronized) playback.
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