mozil wrote:Does CallScript preserve the settings for sourceIndex and elementValue?
Actually, these values are NOT passed to a called sub-script -- that is, one that is the target of a
CallScript script.evs command.
The reason for this is to preserve each script as an independent entity, so that they can be mixed and matched in any order. If a sub-script relied on the context of it's parent, this wouldn't be possible.
Instead, there is a different mechanism in eValid to allow scripts to be called in any order for a variety of purpoes, but still keep track of the values of
sourceIndex and
elementValue, which are crucially important for use in the structural testing commands.
The method is called a Reserved Variable, and these parameters are reserved across script calling boundaries -- they really represent the context of the test. The two variables are
$_SourceIndex and
$_ElementValue and they ALWAYS contain the current
sourceIndex and
elementValue no matter what.
eValid Support