What's the maximum number of BUs you can run on one machine?

Use and application of the eValid server loading (LoadTest) capability. And in the cloud computing context for monitoring and loading.

What's the maximum number of BUs you can run on one machine?

Postby devel » Mon May 23, 2011 3:43 pm

What is the maximum number of BUs you can run on one machine?
Posts: 1
Joined: Mon May 23, 2011 3:40 pm

Re: What's the maximum number of BUs you can run on one mach

Postby eValid » Tue May 24, 2011 7:15 am

devel wrote:What is the maximum number of BUs you can run on one machine?

As you know, eValid can run multiple instances, which we call Browser Users (BUs) because each instance is a complete browser. [We use this to distinguish eValid instances from "virtual users" which operate at the HTTP/S protocol level with much less fidelity than a full BU.]

Our experience is growing day by day but right now we are recommending 100 BUs per user on a Windows OS machine. The limits that running that many BUs hit have to do with limited resources that in Windows are allocated on a per-user basis.

So with 100 BUs per user, you could amplify things by using multiple user accounts. But at some point, you will run out of CPU power. So striking a balance between CPU saturation and BU count is important.

A benchmark we have been using for some time now is 1,000 BUs on 10 user accounts on a large-size EC2 (Amazon Compute Cloud) machine image. At that load the CPU appears to be about 40%-60% utilized, and on that kind of machine I/O capacity never seems to be hit more than about 20%.

Bottom line: 1,000 BUs per machine.

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