VS2010 Performance Test Solutions

Use and application of the eValid server loading (LoadTest) capability. And in the cloud computing context for monitoring and loading.

VS2010 Performance Test Solutions

Postby we2800 » Wed Dec 22, 2010 5:36 pm

Do you have any way of interfacing eValid with VS2010 performance test solutions?
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Joined: Wed Dec 22, 2010 2:17 pm

Re: VS2010 Performance Test Solutions

Postby eValid » Mon Dec 27, 2010 9:57 am

we2800 wrote:Do you have any way of interfacing eValid with VS2010 performance test solutions?

VS2010's structures and approaches differ in many ways from eValid's but yes, there are ways to get the two solutions to cooperate.

The main reason you would use eValid is to get past the intrinsic limits that VS2010 puts on (a) the number of coincident playbacks in the foreground (CUIT runs are limited to 1 instance), and (b) the number of "virtual users" you can run without obtaining additional licenses (this is ~250).

Apart from that, eValid can handle AJAX applications with ease, but it appears that CUIT playbacks have to either the modified by hand or entirely reprogrammed to handle dynamic synchronization issues that an AJAX application entails.

A CUIT script can be converted into an eValid script by running it in an eValid instance that is pre-set to be in RECORD mode. (Remember, eValid is a clone of IE).

Once the eValid script is perfected -- there may be some minor hand edits involved -- that script can be put in 100-wide LoadTest scripts that can run
directly on your main machine.

Please check our website from time to time -- you'll be seeing more details on this unique approach soon.

The eValid LoadTest Team
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